
Operation of an Ellipsometer (Woollam M-2000)

The M-2000® spectroscopic ellipsometer is engineered to meet the diverse demands of thin film characterization. An advanced optical design, wide spectral range, and fast data acquisition combine in an extremely powerful and versatile tool.

The technology combines Rotating Compensator Ellipsometry with high-speed CCD detection to collect the entire spectrum (hundreds of wavelengths) in a fraction of a second with a wide array of configurations. The M-2000 can perform in-situ monitoring and process control to large-area uniformity mapping as well as general purpose thin film characterization. Advance software provides a wide range of built -in modeling examples and easy tutorials to assist in complex material modeling.


  1. Overview of Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (VASE), Part I: Basic Theory and Typical Applications Authors: J. A. Woollam, B. Johs, C. Herzinger, J. Hilfiker, R. Synowicki, and C. Bungay SPIE Proceedings, CR72, (1999) 3-28.
  2. Overview of Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (VASE), Part II: Advanced Applications Authors: B. Johs, J. A. Woollam, C. Herzinger, J. Hilfiker, R. Synowicki, and C. BungaySPIE Proceedings, CR72, (1999) 29-58.
  3. Progress in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Applications from Vacuum Ultraviolet to Infrared Authors: J. Hilfiker, C. Bungay, R. Synowicki, T. Tiwald, C. Herzinger, B. Johs, G. Pribil, and J. A. Woollam J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 21, 4, (2003) 1103-1108.
  4. Quantifying the Accuracy of Ellipsometer Systems Authors: B. Johs, C.M. Herzinger Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), No.5, (2008) 1301-1035.
  5. Survey of Methods to Characterize Thin Absorbing Films with Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Authors: J. Hilfiker, N. Singh, T. Tiwald, D. Convey, S.M. Smith, J.H. Baker, H.G. Tompkins Thin Solid Films, 516, (2008) 7979-7989.


9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon

Operation manual for the Woollam M-2000 Ellipsometer