
Operation of High-resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
(Talos F200X S/TEM with SuperX-EDS)

Room temperature S/TEM imaging and analysis including differential phase contrast (DPC), bright field, dark field and high-angle annular dark field imaging, electron diffraction, highly sensitive 4-detector Super-X EDS for quantitative elemental analysis and mapping.

  • X-FEG high brightness electron source (1.8x109 A/cm2srad @200 kV) with 0.12 nm (TEM), 0.16 nm (STEM) information limit
  • flexible high tension range from 60 to 200 kV
  • constant power A-TWIN objective lens for thermal stability and easy mode switching
  • industry-leading high-speed, high-throughput, windowless 4-detector, Super-X energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) signal detection
  • differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging for electromagnetic studies
  • automatic apertures and reproducible recall
  • rotation-free imaging for clear orientation
  • constant power A-TWIN objective lens for thermal stability and easy mode switching

Please be aware that this course has the following pre-requisite (or equivalent experience): "Operation of a Transmission Electron Microscope (Talos L120C G2 TEM)". Questions about your qualification to enroll in this course should be directed to Nan Yao, director of the Imaging and Analysis Center. Please do not enroll in this course unless you are certain you have met the pre-requisite requirements. Thank you!


9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon

Talos F200X S/TEM Operations Manual