
Operation of Focused Ion Beam System (FEI Helios G3 DualBeam FIB/SEM)

The FIB/SEM dual-beam system provides the unique capability to add or subtract material at precisely defined locations with high spatial resolution. Its integrated nano-manipulator allows preparation of TEM lamellas. 3D reconstructions is enabled through a "slice and view" before computationally recombining into a single 3D volume.

  • an XHR SEM monochromated (UC) field emission electron gun (FEG), constant power lens optics and beam decelerator identical to the Verios for its SEM component
  • Its Tomahawk ion column features superior high current performance (65 nA max beam current) accelerating voltage from 500 - 30 kV, 2-stage differential pumping and time-of-flight correction for a tighter beam and more accurate scan profile
  • Available gas injections are: platinum deposition, carbon deposition, selective carbon mill, and insulator enhanced etch
  • Oxford energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) for elemental mapping and analysis
  • FEI EasyLift EX NanoManipulator for easy TEM lamella creation and lift-out


  1. Contrast Mechanisms in Focused Ion Beam Imaging, Olson T.K., R.G. Lee, J.C. Morgan, in : Proc. 18th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA 92), p. 373 (1992).
  2. Applications of Focused Ion Beams in Microelectronics Production, Design and Development , Stevie F.A., T.C. Shane, P.M. Kahora, R. Hull, D. Bahnck, V.C. Kannan, E. David, Surf. Interface Anal. 23, 61 (1995)
  3. The Use of the Focused Ion Beam in Failure Analysis, Verkleij D. Microelectron. Reliab. 38, 869 (1998).
  4. Integrated Circuit Device Repair using FIB system : Tips, Tricks, and Strategies Hooghan K.N., K.S. Wills, P.A. Rodriguez, S. O'Connell, in : Proc. 25th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA 99), p. 247 (1999).
  5. "Focused Ion Beam System: Basics and Applications", edited by Nan Yao. (Cambridge University Press, 2007) 395 pp..

Please be aware that this course has the following pre-requisite (or equivalent experience): "Operation of High-resolution, Low-voltage Scanning Electron Microscope (FEI Verios 460 XHR SEM)". Questions about your qualification to enroll in this course should be directed to Nan Yao, director of the Imaging and Analysis Center. Please do not enroll in this course unless you are certain you have met the pre-requisite requirements. Thank you!


9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon

Helios G3 FIB/SEM Operations Manual