
Operation of an environmental scanning electron microscope
(Quanta 200 FE-ESEM)

Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) was developed in the mid nineteen eighties. Its primary advantages lie in permitting the scientists to vary the sample environment through a range of pressures, temperatures and gas compositions. The Environmental SEM retains all of the performance advantages of a conventional SEM, but removes the high vacuum constraint on the sample environment. Wet, oily, dirty, non-conductive samples may be examined in their natural state without modification or preparation. The Quanta 200 FESEM offers high resolution secondary electron imaging and back scattering electron image in a gaseous environment of practically any composition, at pressures as high as 6 Torr, and temperatures as high as 1100°C. The Peltier cooling stage provides a working environment at 30°C below ambient temperature, and the combination of low temperature and high water vapor pressure permits you to achieve 100% relative humidity at the sample surface.


  1. Danilatos, G.D. (1985) Design and construction of an atmospheric or environmental SEM (part 3). Scanning 7:26-42
  2. Boczar, E. M., Dionne, B. C., Fu, Z., Kirk, A. B., Lesko, P. M., Koller, A. D., 1993, Macromolecules, vol 26, p 5772
  3. Routh, A. F. & Zimmerman, W. B., 2004, Chem. Eng. Sci., vol 59, pp 2961 - 2968
  4. Goldstein, J.I. et al., 1981. Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis, Plenum, New York.

  5. Schedule

    9:30am - 12noon
    9:30am - 12noon
    9:30am - 12noon
    9:30am - 12noon

    FEI Quanta 200 ESEM Operations Manual
    AZtech EDX Operation manual
    Inca EDX Operation manual
    Oxford EBSD operation manual