
Operation of Wave Dispersed X-ray Spectroscopy and Electron BackScattering
Diffraction (WDS and EBSD operated with Quanta FE-ESEM)

Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) was developed in the mid nineteen eighties. Its primary advantages lie in permitting the scientists to vary the sample environment through a range of pressures, temperatures and gas compositions. The Environmental SEM retains all of the performance advantages of a conventional SEM, but removes the high vacuum constraint on the sample environment. Wet, oily, dirty, non-conductive samples may be examined in their natural state without modification or preparation. The Quanta 200 FESEM offers high resolution secondary electron imaging and back scattering electron image in a gaseous environment of practically any composition, at pressures as high as 6 Torr, and temperatures as high as 1100°C. The Peltier cooling stage provides a working environment at 30°C degrees below ambient temperature, and the combination of low temperature and high water vapor pressure permits you to achieve 100% relative humidity at the sample surface.


  1. Danilatos, G.D. (1985) Design and construction of an atmospheric or environmental SEM (part 3). Scanning 7:26-42
  2. Boczar, E. M., Dionne, B. C., Fu, Z., Kirk, A. B., Lesko, P. M., Koller, A. D., 1993, Macromolecules, vol 26, p 5772
  3. Routh, A. F. & Zimmerman, W. B., 2004, Chem. Eng. Sci., vol 59, pp 2961 - 2968
  4. Goldstein, J.I. et al., 1981. Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis, Plenum, New York.

Please be aware that this course has the following pre-requisite (or equivalent experience): "Operation of an environmental scanning electron microscope (Quanta 200 FE-ESEM)". Questions about your qualification to enroll in this course should be directed to Nan Yao, director of the Imaging and Analysis Center. Please do not enroll in this course unless you are certain you have met the pre-requisite requirements. Thank you!


9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon
9:30am - 12noon

FEI Quanta 200 ESEM Operations Manual
AZtech EDX Operation manual
Inca EDX Operation manual
Oxford EBSD operation manual