
Announcing a new short course series in utilizing the advanced instrumentation and expertise available in the Imaging and Analysis Center

The Imaging and Analysis Center (IAC) at the Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton University, welcomes the opportunity to facilitate broad usage of its state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise in materials research and education. As a crucial component of this effort, the IAC is initiating a new program to further promote education in experimental methods of imaging and analysis. We will provide a series of group training courses for future IAC users to the Princeton community. The training courses involve direct experimental demonstrations and hands-on instruction in the use of all IAC equipments ranging from basic sample preparation device to high-end electron microscopes. These 3-6 hour courses are offered regularly and frequently, so that users can receive basic training when they anticipate an imminent need for the technique. The training courses thus complement PMI's "for-credit" course, MSE 505 (Characterization of Materials) which covers the principles and applications of all these techniques in depth. The topics are listed below.(Click on the individual topic to get more information and the training schedule)

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All training courses will begin outside ACEE 032.

Basic sample preparation for microscopy

1a. Sample preparation for SEM, XRD, Microprobe and FIB
1b. TEM sample preparation for soft materials (by ultramicrotomy)
1c. TEM sample preparation for hard materials (by ion milling)
1d. TEM sample preparation for biological or soft materials (by staining and/or resin embedding)
1e. TEM sample preparation for biological or soft materials (by plunge-freezing)

Basic operation of various imaging and analysis instruments

2a. Operation of a Leica DCM3D Confocal Micro-optical System
2b. Operation of a Keyence VK-X3050 Confocal Micro-optical System
2c. Operation of an x-ray diffractometer (Rigaku Miniflex XRD)
2d. Operation of a Small Angle X-ray Scattering System (Xenocs Xeuss 3.0)
2e. Operation of an environmental scanning electron microscope (Quanta 200 FE-ESEM)
2f. Operation of a Transmission Electron Microscope (Talos L120C G2 TEM)
2g. Operation of Dimension Atomic Force Microscope (Bruker Dimension NanoMan AFM)
2h. Operation of an Ellipsometer (M-2000)
2i. Operation of a Raman Spectrometer (Horiba)
2j. Operation of X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (Thermo K-alpha XPS/UPS)
2k. Operation of a Photoluminescence Spectrometer (Edinburgh Instruments, FLS980)
2l. Operation of a UV-Vis Spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Cary 5000)
2m. Operation of a Rheometer (Anton Paar MCR501)
2n. Operation of Thermo Analysis Equipment (DSC, DMA)
2o. Operation of Thermo Analysis Equipment (TGA-GC/MS)
2p. Operation of a Thermo FTIR Imaging Microscope (Nicolet iN10 MX)

Advanced operation of various imaging and analysis instruments

3a. Operation of Energy Dispersed X-ray Spectroscopy for Microanalysis (Oxford INCA EDS operated with Quanta FEG-SEM)1
3b. Operation of Wave Dispersed X-ray Spectroscopy and Electron BackScattering Diffraction (WDS and EBSD operated with Quanta FE-ESEM)1
3c. Operation of High-resolution, Low-voltage Scanning Electron Microscope (FEI Verios 460 XHR SEM)1
3d. Operation of a high-resolution x-ray diffractometer (Bruker D8 Discover)2
3e. Operation of 3D X-ray Microscope (Zeiss Xradias Versa 630)
3f. Operation of Focused Ion Beam System (FEI Helios G3 DualBeam FIB/SEM)3
3g. Operation of Dimension Atomic Force Microscope (Bruker Dimension ICON3 AFM)4
3h. Operation of High-resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (Talos F200X S/TEM with SuperX-EDS)5
3i. Operation of Ultra High-resolution Double Cs-corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (Titan Themis 80-300 Cubed S/TEM)6
3j. Operation of a Twin-Motor Rheometer (Anton Paar MCR702)7
3k. Operation of Krios G3 Cryo - TEM*
3l. Operation of Krios G4 Cryo - TEM*
3m. Operation of Aquilos 2 Cryo - FIB8

1. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the Quanta 200 FE-ESEM (2e).
2. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the Rigaku Miniflex XRD (2c).
3. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the Verios 460 XHR SEM (3c).
4. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the Bruker Dimension NanoMan AFM (2g).
5. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the Talos L120C G2 TEM (2f).
6. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the Talos F200X S/TEM (3h).
7. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the Anton Paar MCR501 (2m).
8. Attendants are required to have previous training and practice in use of the FEI Helios G3 DualBeam FIB/SEM (3f).

* Please contact Dr. Paul Shao,, for details